1/48 TBM Avenger - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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Well I had a chance to get a gloss coat on and added some oil washes. Plus got a little more of the details painted. Still got to put a flat coat on and a couple things to paint and I can start to close this puppy up.

Thanks for looking in!
Wow, I can't believe its been over a month since I have posted anything on this build. Thanks for all the kind comments, I should have posted that a while back. Well if I'm going to get this one finished in time, I'm going to have to get cracking on this build. I'm ready to close the fuselage up and the fit on this kit is so great that I'm hoping to be able to get some paint flying here soon. Here is some pics to show you where things are at now.

I got the port side console mounted and added some PE levers and control wires for the throttle and what not plus a PE trim wheel.

Towards the back you can see the stinger gun along with the flare chutes and rear bulkhead.

Here is the radio operators compartment. I folded the seat and put it in the stowed position.

Here is the cockpit with the seat and IP mounted.

This is the radio equipment that was added when they deleted the second pilots position.

A quick pic of the starboard side of the cockpit.

And a final shot of everything mounted. A lot of gear got packed in there!

Thanks for looking! I hope to have another update here soon.

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