1/72 Hasegawa Mosquito (FINISHED!)

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Staff Sergeant
Jan 25, 2009
Newark, UK
Going to stick my neck out and post my progress on my next build. Might encourage me to not to try to rush everything and exercise a bit of quality control!

It's a Hasegawa Mosquito FB Mk. VI kit that I'm going to build as a Fleet Air Arm Mozzie, TE711 from 811 NAS using Freightdog decals. Fairly obscure kite (twin-engined bombers aren't the first planes that come to mind when you think "Fleet Air Arm") but some obliging gentleman on another forum has done all my research for me, happy days! I did a Hasegawa Phantom years ago that was a dream to build, hopefully this will be as forgiving...

Wish me luck...

Good luck 👍

I was reading an article, maybe even a post on here, the other day where a guy was putting his prop spinners in a lathe to paint duo tone or swirls on spinners. Good idea, if you're the 0.01% of the world that has a lathe to hand. I guess the same could be done with a drill though.
I've used a drill, but for other reasons. This was to shave down the 1/48 Revell Mosquito spinners which were too large. This won't really help if you are in painting mode as the hole would have to be filled and thus ruining your paint job. You would have to find a way to secure the spinner without it wobbling all over the place but it's worth a try.


One other possibility is explained here: Propeller spinners and painting stripes.
Well, I'm up and running. I'm doing this one "backwards", in the sense that I'm getting all those faffy little bits out of the way first before I move onto the easier stuff. I normally just get frustrated with all these bits standing in the way of a completed model and rush it (and make a poor job of it). So I've got lots of little bits painted. Doing those lovely big tyres for a change was a joy.

The modelling gods must have been smiling on me, because miraculously I was able to recover the single 1/72 exhaust outlet that I snapped off the resin part from the carpet and superglue it back in place, thus denying Hannants their fastest ever repeat order.


I spent some time mucking about with the nose, which has five holes in it, one for some kind of antenna that I filled and sanded, and the other four were for cannon that on TE711 were blanked out. I saw it suggested somewhere that maybe putting a little bit of decal over the holes would give a nice effect (in that the decals would recede into the holes very slightly), but I couldn't get them to sit so I scrapped it and just pushed some filler in from the back which seems to achieve the same objective.

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Cockpit assembly done and trying its new home for size (I'll touch that joystick up, honest!) Not that detailed, but more than I'm used to. There's actually an etched cockpit etc available for this kit but i don't feel I'm ready for that yet. Decal for the dash. It's a reasonable representation of a Mozzie cockpit in terms of layout, except the forward of the two black boxes (which is the radio) should be alongside the navigator rather than behind him. I knocked up some rudimentary seatbelts from kitchen foil sprayed white, but they're a bit too wide and a bit too white really. Once everything's out of the way under the canopy it should be alright.

Bought one of those magnifying visor things today and it is very, very welcome.


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