1/72 Italeri Bf109F

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Nov 2, 2011
Hi everyone

It's been more than three years since my last build. We had another son, he was into everything in the first years, so it turned out to be dangerous to keep stuff like IPA and white spirits around, which led me to a take a long break. Repaired a few Dual turntables during this period, but now since he turned three this weekend, I'm back. I even completed an unfinished 1/72nd PM Hawker Sea Fury in the last month, but it wasn't a wwii aircraft, so I didn't bother posting here.

This one is a gift (or a give-away) from a good friend. I decided to try something new and play surgeon this time and see what's gonna come out of this.

Italeri guys designed engine covers as separate parts, but the kit can't be built covers open, since there's nothing to reveal inside but the empty engine housing. Tail section is also a separate part. What ever, these exhausts seem to need openings, so I did that. Yeah they shouldn't be round, but it's better than nothing.

I tried to simulate the yellow fuel hose on the starboard side with a piece of cable. I thought it would be fine, but that's clearly out of scale, maybe that would fit a 1/48. Quite a large hose that one.

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Flaps, ailerons and slats all have been slaughtered. I had to cut them with ordinary no.11 blade. I don't have a razor saw yet. This resulted in losing stock, of course, and I had to spend some time replacing them from an old credit card. That's how they looked, fresh out of slaughterhouse:

I closed the gaps left by the slats using pieces cut from an acetate sheet. I learned this from some talented guy in brit modeller:

Dry fitting shows no problems at wing-roots:

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Then I turned it over and uh-oh:

There's more, this red panel line (which isn't there) was considered pointless buy Italeri, I guess.

Carved the backside of the wing piece and it fit OK. But front needs work.

I smell putty. Much, much of it.
Congratulations on the new member of the family.

It goes great progress so far. Various details of evil assembly that you've solved well. To the last detail in the binding of cowling with wings ... you can filing and sanding the inside of the union in the wings ... until leveling as possible with cowling, I think it is possible, so let see the photos, don´t you think ?, and use as little as possible putty.

It is a comment, you have the best view.

Pending the track.

Thank you all for the comments.

Good advice, Sancer. I thought that would save me like it did on the backside, but filing and sanding the front side of wing piece would lift up the whole wing front, so the nice fit on the upside would be gone, too. There seems to be two solutions to this problem:
1. Lots of putty and sanding. This way leads to a smooth connection, but a fat nose as well.
2. Some more surgery, like the very same guy I mentioned above on britmodeller (Barry Numerick is his name) did once on a kit by AZ models. See here:

This second one looks like a more elegant solution, but it requires serious surgical skills which remind me of that Academy Heinz Bär Fw-190 of Wurger some years ago. Do I have them? No. Will I give it a try? It's a matter of gin-tonic consumption.

Cheers, mates.

PS I neither know Mr Numerick nor asked his permission for the photo, for I don't think he would care. I can remove if you think that may be a problem.

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