1:72 scale plane stands.

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[SC] Arachnicus

Senior Airman
May 1, 2012
West Chester OH
It seems like the only kits that come with the stand are old ones. I had a old kit and used the clear stand, painted it, and it really looks good. Why don't 1:72 kits come with the stands anymore?

Either gone out of fashion, or the companies want to save a little money probably...I believe most people prefer to display undercarriage down these days.
I agree with Evan. Additionally. the kind of modelling has started being treated more serious than it was in the Past.
I agree with all of the above. Airix used to include a clear plastic stand in all of their kits years ago, but as mentioned, the trend now is to have a more 'serious' model. However, Airfix have now 'cottoned on' to a new source of revenue, and include in their catalogue a couple of sets of 1/72nd scale stands, in individual and multi-stand versions, which are currently available.
I make my own with an acrylic base and acrylic rod fitted into a tube in the model.
It's true that "serious" model builders like the detail of the cockpit to be visible but some aircraft just look better in flight. I build for me and for fun so couldn't care less what they think :)



If you must have flaps or undercarriage down,how about just about to land (or take off)?


The acrylic rod idea works very well indeed, and looks more 'professional' than the toy-like stands. I rarely build 'in flight' models, but I have an old Hunter, built many years ago, destined to be mounted on an acrylic rod, on a polished wood plinth, and I'm planning a 'boxed' diorama, where 'hidden' acrylic rods will be used for the 'in flight' aircraft.
i like the clear rod idea,if anyone wants some stands i have some old frog ones kicking about still for 1/72nd,these are the stands you could mount on a wall
Just thought too (happens occasionally :) ), pilot figures probably disappeared from most kits around the same time as the stands. Very few companies provide pilots/crew nowadays.

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