118 SQN RCAF Kittyhawks

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Feb 14, 2006
A few shots of 118 SQN RCAF while on Kittyhawks in Canada 1941-43. The squadron was renumbered 438 in mid 43 upon arrival in the UK. The unit code RE was changed to VW in 1942 just prior to the unit flying accross Canada to Annette Island Alaska.

The pilot on the first photo is the CO, SQN LDR Hartland Molson, veteran of the BoB with #1 SQN RCAF.


  • Hartland Molson CO 1942.jpg
    328.3 KB · Views: 269
  • Kitty Hawk scramble 118SQN RCAF.jpg
    170.6 KB · Views: 244
  • Kittyhawks 118SQN RCAF.jpg
    118.1 KB · Views: 195
Here's another. The boss himself, S/L Art Yuile just prior to leading 118 SQN's very last combat air patrol over Alaska before leaving for the UK.


  • SL Art Yuile CO 118SQN RCAF 1943.jpg
    434.3 KB · Views: 182

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