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Forum Mascot
Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....
Just thought that I'd use this thread to pick your brains regarding "my" machines with #13.....their accuracy etc. Like Uffz. Klaus Lambio's 13 from 9/JG 300...
Indeed Wojtek! So far I have 5 (I think) sets for different 109's and 190's numbered 13...including that one from EagleCals 8) Am still looking for more though...

you guys need LW kits right now ? go check the on-sale items at eagle-editions.com

just got a email notice a couple minutes ago from them, so as I'm not a modeller thought I would pass this on to all .......
I know jack sh*t about who driver were of these two 109's.... 13 from I./JG 54, winter '41-'42....a 109F-4.

....and from III./JG 3 '42...a 109F-4.

This one we know though...13 flown by Pilot Fw Heinrich Bartels. A 109G-6 Trop, W.Nr 27169, II./JG 27, '43. I have seen this modeled like this, AND with a complete white tail, not just the rudder. Are both correct and did Bartels fly other machines numbered 13?
here you go lucky i hope they are what your looking for !
all are from lufftwaffe fighters in profile by claes sundin christer bergstrom
1st heinz bar jg 51
2nd kurt ubben 6.(j)jg186
3rd erich hondt jg11
4th ernst scheufele jg 4
5th walther dahl jg 300
6th willi reschke jg 301


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the 4th one down by friend Ernst S. did not have a yellow ID marking under the engine cowling.

E. Hondts rig had a black prop not a yellow one ~

I have only seen the white rudder for Red 13, and yes Bartels flew a few different Black 13's with JG 5 109E F...
109 roaming, have interviewed many pilots over the many years, photo evidence of Hondts a/c.

I also question the looks of black 13 Ta 152H of III./JG 301

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