This is a classic, isn't it? 8)
MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5313 s/n 5313
3/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
34 PLM.
MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6613 s/n 6613
3/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
26 PLM.
5/1993: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6913 s/n 6913
4/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
34 PLM.
2/1995: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
The MiG-21, is actually not a bad looking fighter....