Nice profiles Wayne and Wojtek! I guess that's what Uffz. Willi Kuhn from 2/JG 1 and his Fw190A-5, W.Nr.410196 "Black 13" would have looked like...he was KIA 26.07.43....
Btw, been looking in my Royal Class A8/R2 box. Would those long barrels (parts J26) be representative for 3cm on Werner Gerth's A8 "Black13" from II./JG3 or are they earlier 2cm Mk's.....?
Right.....thanks my friend! I'm sort of clueless when it come to the MK's... I know that Verlinden has a set with bombs etc. for the '190, might have to get one of them then or?
That black crate of Werner Gerth is rather attractive....
Or make and print a decal off the PC?
Jan, if you want/need pics of the MK108 30mm, let me know. The short barrel contributed to it's sound, due to the muzzle blast, and was part of the reason it got it's (allied) nickname of Pneumatic Hammer, or Drill.