1938 Article On Aircraft Armament

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Very interesting - not one power turret in the diagrams and only the briefest of mentions, and no multi-gun turrets. I love the bit about modern planes being almost faster than the transmission of light sensation to the optic nerves
"almost faster than the transmission of light sensation to the optic nerves"

I recall reading in an article from that same timeframe that dogfighting at speeds over 400 mph was impossible because you were moving at a speed faster than the nerve impulses between your mind and your hands.

A hundred years before it was asserted that travel at speeds of 60 mph would prove to be deadly.

George Westinghouse, a man of no little capabilities, once asserted that ground based vehicles would always be faster than aircraft, because weight equated to power and aircraft would always have to be lighter than ground vehicles, and therefore less powerful, and hence slower.
By the way the, Type M 37MM cannon deccribed is the one used on the P-39 and P-63. The Type F 37MM cannon described, made by the same company was not used on US aircraft in WWII. It weighs a great deal more and has a much higher muzzle velocity, making it capable of armor piercing performance. The Type F was sent to the USSR and used in large numbers by the Soviets as a AA weapon.
A hundred years before it was asserted that travel at speeds of 60 mph would prove to be deadly.
I remember reading an old article, in a museum I believe, that stated a human face would peel off at speeds over 50mph. No wonder early cars were treated with contempt

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