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Maybe they wanted a 30mm. They were the people wanting to shoot down bombers, maybe they knew more about what was required.Why did the Luftwaffe develop the 3cm Mk101 cannon for use on the Me-110? Two 20mm Flak38 weight less and would be a lot more practical for shooting at aircraft.
The 2cm KwK38 was effective against light armor. That's why it was the primary weapon of most German recon vehicles (armored cars, 3/4 tracks and Panzer II). It also fired a HE round even more powerful then 2cm mine shells fired by the MG151/20.MK 101 was intended for anti-armor, -shipping or -building role, something that won't work with a 2cm gun.
1930s Germany experimented with 2cm Flak30 (Predecessor of Flak38) mounted on He-112B prototypes. I have no idea why this wasn't pursued. You could certainly fit a pair of Flak38 in Me-110 nose.
What does that have to do with putting even heavier weapons on the Fw 187, the Fw loaded weight was less than the Me 110 empty weight. The Fw 187 seems to be your favorite aircraft, and you're forever crying about the fact it went nowhere beyound only about 6-7 prototypes.
It appears to me Fw-187 and Me-110 carried identical forward firing weapons.
Fw-187 A-0 Forward firing weapons.
Focke-Wulf Fw 187 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
4 × 7.92 mm (.312 in) MG 17 machine guns in fuselage sides
2 × 20 mm MG FF cannon in lower fuselage
Me-110C-4 Forward firing weapons.
Messerschmitt Bf 110 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2 × 20 mm MG FF/M cannons
4 × 7.92 mm (.312 in) MG 17 machine guns
The Fw 187 seems to be your favorite aircraft, and you're forever crying about the fact it went nowhere beyound only about 6-7 prototypes.
Get over it, maybe it went nowhere because that same smallness that enabled it to have such spectacular performance, meant that it had no growth potential.
FW 187 "D0" destroyer and nightfighter full calculated project from FW 1942 with plans to the RLM/ordered by RLM but canceled 1943
weight: 7000kg loaded; 2 x DB 605A (2 x 1475PS), wing span 30m², payload to 8200kg (bombs, external fuel tanks, external weapons), internal fuel capacity 1300 liter; fuselage 880 Liter (increased to the A0) wings 210liter each; armor 167 kg; 4 x MG151/20 with 250 bullets - rigidly to the front, 2 x MG131 with 450 bullets - rigidly to the back, range 1200 km to 1.330 km,
Calculated with 6650 kg:
max speed at 7100m 685km/h, max speed near ground 547km/h, climb rate near ground 18m/s, climb time 0,9 min/1,0 km, 1,7 min/2,0 km, 3,6 min/4,0 km, 5,7 min/6,0 km .
FW 187 "X" single seater clean fighter/long range fighter full calculated project from FW 1942 with plans to the RLM/ordered by RLM but canceled 1943
weight: 6350kg loaded, 2 x DB 605A( 2x 1475PS), wing span 30m², internal fuel 1300 liter, 4 x MG151/20
Calculated with 6050 kg:
max speed at 7100m 725km/h, climb rate near ground 21,2 m/s, climb time 10,6 min/10 km
Source: Focke-Wulf FW 187: An Illustrated History/Dietmar Hermann/Peter Petrick
Get over it
This is wrong and a translation error!
The FW 187 had never a surface/evaporative cooling
"Dampfheißkühlung"!: From the book Focke-Wulf FW 187: An Illustrated History Page 73 (german version)
"Das Prinzip kann vereinfacht so beschrieben werden: Das vom Motor benötigte Kühlwasser wird unter Druck gesetzt, um das Triebwerk mit höheren Temperaturen fahren zu können. Um dabei Dampfblasen zu vermeiden, wird aber zusätzlich ein zentrifugal-Dampfabscheider benötigt."
"The principle can be described as simplified. The amount of cooling water from the engine is put under pressure to drive the engine at higher temperatures. In order to avoid vapor/steam bubbles youd are in need of a centrifugal Steam-separator (Dampfabschneider)."
Kyrill von Gersdorff / Schubert / Ebert "Flugmotoren und Strahltriebwerke" Seite 203 / 204
"Die Flüssigkeitskühlung der deutschen Hochleistungstriebwerke ist in den 40er Jahren durchweg als Überdrucksystem ausgebildet. Dazu gehören ein im Nebenstrom liegender Vorratsbehälter mit Überdruck/Unterdruckventil und eine Entlüftung mit Dampf-Luft-Abscheider.
Daimler-Benz führt 1941 mit dem DB 605 das bereits auf DB-601-Rekordmotoren erprobte Überdrucksystem in die Serie ein.
Junkers wendet seit 1938/39 bei den ersten Baureihen des Jumo 211 ein System mit 0,3 bis 0,4 bar Überdruck an. Glykolzusatz ist nur für Winterbetrieb vorgeschrieben. Höchsttemperatur am Motoraustritt bis 95°C in Bodennähe zulässig. Mit dem leistungsgesteigerten Jumo 211 F kommt das neue Überdrucksystem erstmals zum Einsatz, die "Preßwasserkühlung", die dann mit dem Jumo 213 1942 in Großserie geht."
"The liquid cooling of the German high-performance engines in the 40s consistently designed as positive/high pressure system. This includes at the secondary flow a reservoir with pressure / vacuum relief valve and a vent with steam-air separator.
Daimler-Benz introduced in 1941, the DB 605a with the already proven overpressure system of the DB-601 R (record engines) in the series.
Junkers used since 1938/39 on the first series of the Jumo 211, a system of 0.3 to 0.4 at elevated pressure. Glycol addition is required only for winter use. Maximum temperature at outlet permitted to 95 ° C near the ground. With the uprated Jumo 211 F, the new pressure system is first used, the "Preßwasserkühlung" (pressure water cooling)which then goes with the Jumo 213 in 1942 in volume production. "
Maybe you need to look a little closer yourself Fw 187 V6 had a evaporative cooling system.
Don't get personal with the insults, just because I don't agree with you. You tried the same nonsense in the U-boat XXI thread, and it's getting old.
Primary sources are primary sources get with it or not!I got over my fasination with German super weapons forty years ago.