I agree. However it's what Britain needed for CAS.
Unfortunately that was not a role the RAF saw for itself in the 1930s. It was dragged kicking and screaming to CAS, first by men like Coningham in North Africa, and then all over again in 1944. It is almost impossible to over emphasise the objections amongst senior air men to this type of role, throughout the 1930s and throughout the war.
From D-Day to the end of the war in Europe Bomber Command flew 182,549 operational sorties of which less than 10,000 were in close support.
Even in 1945 none of the aircraft flying CAS to British troops had been designed for that role.
In May 1941 Air Vice Marshall Slessor reacted to Army suggestions that the RAF should be doing more to destroy German tanks and guns on the battlefield by angrily condemning this as a tendency for the Army to ask the RAF to do what it should be doing itself, adding that "it was the job of the Army's anti tank weaponry to destroy enemy tanks on the battlefield."
It doesn't change the fact that aircraft like the Ju 87,capable of this kind of operation, were exactly what the RAF needed in France in 1940. Of course it would have needed the command and control system to operate such an aircraft in this role too. That doesn't mean, as happened, army officers telephoning London for support from aircraft based in France!
Hindsight is a wonderful thing!