Master Sergeant
Today, after being "off-WinMX" for a while (yeah, just got a new game
) I decided to log-in to see if there was anything new in the P2P community.
As weird as it seems, the program didn't wanted to connect my computer to the server. I closed the program and re-opened it but I got the same problem. So I decided to "investigate" the problem.
First of all, I went on the official WinMX web site ( ). All I found was a white page with the following sentence on it : "The WinMX software is no longer availible."
After looking for some informations on Google, I found the following on a French web site ( ) :
"P2P lose WinMX
The official web site of file sharing WinMX is unavailible since Wednesday. That's the result, according to the P2P community, of the American Musical Industry's attacks.
WinMX no longer answer. That's the agency Reuters that first told about it on Wednesday September 21st. Since then, the official web site of Frontcode (WinMX's editor) is unavailible. For sure, that P2P program is not as famous as Kazaa or BitTorrent. It would have less than 10% of the whole file sharing.
But this is enough to piss off the P2P community. We must add to this that the agency Reuters was also saying in the same article that the eDonkey's office in New-York, one of the most popular P2P program, was no longer availible by phone. [...]"
But don't despair ! I found the following on an other web site ( ) :
"Resurrecting WinMX
September 23, 2005
Thomas Mennecke
WinMX fans awoke Wednesday to disturbing news. However before realizing this news, the WinMX population was faced with the inability to connect to this community. Finally news reports began circulating that individuals were not alone and indeed the entire community had collapsed including the website.
Although the demise of FrontCode Technologies along with its homepage would not have been the end of the world, provided the all-important host cache server. This server provided the IP addresses to WinMX supernodes, thereby allowing clients entry to the network. With the domain eliminated, the network collapsed. That is unless of course someone establishes a new method of connecting to WinMX hosts.
A WinMX group named TheSourceCode has created a hosts file that allows clients to connect to the WinMX network. The instructions are currently being distributed through a collaborative effort with, a popular Italian P2P news site. The combined effort to resurrect the WinMX network also includes individuals named "SABre'911", "Polini" and "Ramna."
The method is quite simple. Those involved in the effort have indexed over 200 functioning WinMX hosts readily available to incoming WinMX connections. It requires the user to download a new host list provided from, which redirects the WinMX client to the functioning hosts. From
This is the procedure to configure your pc to connect with WinMx:
1) Download a new host file from this URL:
2) After downloading the "hosts" file (is a windows file included in the system) we can proceed.
3) Now paste the new file "hosts" in the Windows directory respective to its version:
For Windows 95/98/Me the directory is c:\windows\hosts
For Windows NT/2000/XP Pro the directory is c:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
For Windows XP Home the directory is c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
Now we can replace the "hosts" file.
4) For Win2k XP users, sometimes may be necessary use the command "ipconfig /flushdns" from the command prompt.
5) Now, open WinMx and try to connect with primary connection!
Luca, the administrator of, tells this is a temporary fix and the developers are working on a more permanent solution. From public reaction so far and from our own testing, this method works exceedingly well. WinMX fans will certainly have a place to call home once again.
Update: Also try fixes available on the following websites:
Vladd44's resource page.
As weird as it seems, the program didn't wanted to connect my computer to the server. I closed the program and re-opened it but I got the same problem. So I decided to "investigate" the problem.
First of all, I went on the official WinMX web site ( ). All I found was a white page with the following sentence on it : "The WinMX software is no longer availible."
After looking for some informations on Google, I found the following on a French web site ( ) :
"P2P lose WinMX
The official web site of file sharing WinMX is unavailible since Wednesday. That's the result, according to the P2P community, of the American Musical Industry's attacks.
WinMX no longer answer. That's the agency Reuters that first told about it on Wednesday September 21st. Since then, the official web site of Frontcode (WinMX's editor) is unavailible. For sure, that P2P program is not as famous as Kazaa or BitTorrent. It would have less than 10% of the whole file sharing.
But this is enough to piss off the P2P community. We must add to this that the agency Reuters was also saying in the same article that the eDonkey's office in New-York, one of the most popular P2P program, was no longer availible by phone. [...]"
But don't despair ! I found the following on an other web site ( ) :
"Resurrecting WinMX
September 23, 2005
Thomas Mennecke
WinMX fans awoke Wednesday to disturbing news. However before realizing this news, the WinMX population was faced with the inability to connect to this community. Finally news reports began circulating that individuals were not alone and indeed the entire community had collapsed including the website.
Although the demise of FrontCode Technologies along with its homepage would not have been the end of the world, provided the all-important host cache server. This server provided the IP addresses to WinMX supernodes, thereby allowing clients entry to the network. With the domain eliminated, the network collapsed. That is unless of course someone establishes a new method of connecting to WinMX hosts.
A WinMX group named TheSourceCode has created a hosts file that allows clients to connect to the WinMX network. The instructions are currently being distributed through a collaborative effort with, a popular Italian P2P news site. The combined effort to resurrect the WinMX network also includes individuals named "SABre'911", "Polini" and "Ramna."
The method is quite simple. Those involved in the effort have indexed over 200 functioning WinMX hosts readily available to incoming WinMX connections. It requires the user to download a new host list provided from, which redirects the WinMX client to the functioning hosts. From
This is the procedure to configure your pc to connect with WinMx:
1) Download a new host file from this URL:
2) After downloading the "hosts" file (is a windows file included in the system) we can proceed.
3) Now paste the new file "hosts" in the Windows directory respective to its version:
For Windows 95/98/Me the directory is c:\windows\hosts
For Windows NT/2000/XP Pro the directory is c:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
For Windows XP Home the directory is c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
Now we can replace the "hosts" file.
4) For Win2k XP users, sometimes may be necessary use the command "ipconfig /flushdns" from the command prompt.
5) Now, open WinMx and try to connect with primary connection!
Luca, the administrator of, tells this is a temporary fix and the developers are working on a more permanent solution. From public reaction so far and from our own testing, this method works exceedingly well. WinMX fans will certainly have a place to call home once again.
Update: Also try fixes available on the following websites:
Vladd44's resource page.