2015 Foto Fest Mk. II

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Great stuff. Unusual, these days, to see a P-51 in real bare metal, as opposed to a metallic paint finish. But judging by the tonal reproduction, I'm guessing the pic is an older, film, original perhaps ?
Great stuff. Unusual, these days, to see a P-51 in real bare metal, as opposed to a metallic paint finish. But judging by the tonal reproduction, I'm guessing the pic is an older, film, original perhaps ?

No sir, she is digital. This is Stephen Grey's Twilight Tear before she was redone. The picture was taken at Gathering of Mustangs in 2007. I liked her because she wasn't all shiny and looking like a trophy. Bare naked natural as the day she was born metal.

Yours truly with this magnificent beast.


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Don't want one of those though, even though it's a nice pic.
Anything which has wings going faster than the fuselage, and held in place by just one nut at that, just can't be right !!

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