2nd Lt. James Weiler - a story of the Silver bracelet

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I always enjoy your posts Roman! Thanks again for sharing your pics as well.

I am going to have to come and visit you sometime.
I always enjoy your posts Roman! Thanks again for sharing your pics as well.

I am going to have to come and visit you sometime.

you´re welcome Chris!
just let me know in advance and you´re welcomed here!
Crash sites, museums and good beer are waiting for you here...
You gotta count with some 500 km from the German/Czech boarder...
:wav: :wav: Thanks much to Seesul for being such a kind guide to Mr. Holcicka and for showing him all the crash sites in southern Moravia, and for posting the letter from Mr. Jancarik.

Seesul, Mr. Holcicka and I wish you a Happy Fourth of July American Independence Day!

Srdecne podekovani za vsechno a pozdravy z Ameriky!
:wav: :wav: Thanks much to Seesul for being such a kind guide to Mr. Holcicka and for showing him all the crash sites in southern Moravia, and for posting the letter from Mr. Jancarik.

Seesul, Mr. Holcicka and I wish you a Happy Fourth of July American Independence Day!

Srdecne podekovani za vsechno a pozdravy z Ameriky!

Ramona and Omar!
It was really pleasure for me to show you the crash sites and museums although we haven´t enough time. That´s why I´m sure it wasn´t our last meeting.
I´m proud Americans can see we didn´t forget the ultimate sacrifice of those young boys.
20 years ago I´d never think about the air battle participants being alive and today I´m in touch with them, both with Americans and Germans...
I´ll never forget the moments spent with them and our visitors as well...
Happy 4th to you!
Silver Bracelet back on the crash site 65 years later...


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This is a remarkable, fascinating and emotional story. Thank you for sharing it. I just read through all the posts again and finally see the bracelet back at the crash site. Amazing.

Thank you.


I just relized you´re from Georgia. Omar Bartos who visited me and saw the most of the crash sites last year, is from Georgia as well. Pics taken during his visit are on the top of the previous page ( http://www.ww2aircraft.net/forum/aviation/2nd-lt-james-weiler-story-silver-bracelet-13501-2.html )
Small world...

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