3D Printed Innards

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Yeah....seen a few complaints about delivery. Found some "instructions"....

The 3D decal has prominent multi-level details, such as recessed flight instrument dials, prominent dashboard, and equally prominent small details, such as toggle switches, buttons, and signal lights.
Each instrument dial is covered with a layer of gloss varnish, giving it a characteristic "glass-like" shine at a sharp viewing angle.
Decals are designed for this particular kit and fit perfectly.
Use warm water to separate the decal from its base, as you would with traditional water-slide decal.
Since 3D-decals are significantly thicker than traditional ones, use additional adhesive (water-based adhesive is recommended) or acrylic varnish (Tamiya X-22 or Future) to fix the decal in place.
Usage of decal setters (Micro Set / Sol, Gunze Mr. Decal setter, etc.) is NOT advisable – decals conform well to the plastic surface, and irreparable damage to the decal can occur.

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