417 Squadron RCAF Spitfire LF VIIIs

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My brother and I bought my dad the Tamiya 1/32 Spitfire VIII for his birthday. It has a 417 Squadron marking set in it, however it's got the high altitude wingtips and nobody's particularly enamoured with how they look. I have found that 417 later used LF VIIIs, and I have found a photo of one (supposedly), along with several combat reports with serials and side letters, which I've been able to cross-reference with another page that has a list of all Spitfires with their serials and versions. My biggest question is, what colours would they be? I'll attach a photo along with the page that has all of the combat reports I've found. We're hoping it's the desert scheme still, even though they'd moved to Italy.

Spitfire Mk VIII Performance Testing

Just going off memory, from info and a photo caption in a book I have (which one, I don't know !!), the colour scheme in that pic is a mix of 'desert' and ETO, with Dark Green and Ocean Grey upper surfaces, and Azure under surfaces.
The tones in that photo certainly seem to bear out the statement in the caption referred to.

Do you need the 'standard' wing tips ?
If so, I have them from the Hasegawa MkV kit, which could be made to fit. Let me know if you want them.
I agree with Terry. The capton says "Spitfire LF Mk VIII JF.880 of 417 Squadron (RCAF) at Venafro, Italy. April 1944. This aircraft had previously served with the 31st Fighter Group, USAAF". If it had been the 31FG,USAAF kite it means she wore the desert camo scheme. Judging by the pic you posted above the top one is quite fresh what could confirm the repainting of her. However the undersides seem to retain the Azure Blue colour and the spinner the dull red one. The bottom part of the rudder and the part of the rear fuselage could have been either of the yellow or white. I would say the yellow would be very likely. As far as the top colours are concerned... it might have been of the Dark Green and the Dark Earth. It would mean the Dark Earth was left there and the Mid Stone was covered by the Dark Green coat. But the Sky S-type band can indicate the DG/OG set though.

Here is a profile of a SAAF Sptfire with a such top camo and its B&W rendition...

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It's possible that it had Dark Earth, but the pattern of the Dark Green follows that which was used for the Dark Earth when in the 'desert' scheme. Other RAF Spitfire Sqns in Italy seem tio have had Dark Green and Ocean grey upper surfaces.
True, my friend. So the DG/OG set definitely.

Also found the shot. Believing the caption it's another kite of the squadron...

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I'm not sure about the rudder though. The JG184 was a plane belonged to the batch of 800 Spitfires ordered by the First Order. The JF528, JF627 and JF7?? were a part of the same batch and had the rudders of the early type. However the retro-fitting could have been though

JF880 shown in post 1 is also on your list and has a pointed rudder. Bracken had an impressive collection of photos though Houle's rig is not include in the book. I'd be comfortable in assuming the profile is accurate. That said, the spinner could arguably be red though.
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That's true it is on the list but at the end of the JF serials. The late rudder might have been attached to the part of the series. But those of the early serials could have had them of the early shape. Anyway no evidence - it can be either of the early or late type No problemo.

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