50 Cal Ballistics - not for faint of heart

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Jun 28, 2006
Scurry, Texas
not bad for 1500 meter shot in Green Zone.. Barrett 50 is an interesting derivative of the Ma Duece. Doesn't match the Canadian Afghanistan shot or Hathcock's in Viet Nam but..

This probably needs to be in 'Politics' or some other thread


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Personally I like to use that photo on political websites when you have some pinkos talking trash. I'm sure it makes their tofu go down better!
Hey can you pm it to me.

I have some very graphic photos as well that were taken during our tour in Iraq. I believe I posted them once though to show P38 Pilot (young kid who used to be a member of the forum) that was was not a video game like he thought it was.
I had seen a while back a photo of some poor B-24 crewmember`s face after the unfortunate chap was hit by a 2cm round that went through his mouth.

It wasn`t as a jawdropping experience as it could have been if the round goes 1-2 inch lower, but still half his face was missing.

Gave you some idea what 'viermot hunting' was like truely like and all about...
Being honest, having seen some gross things in my life before, I still don't find pictures like the one Mickeymouse now covers easy to watch.
Being honest, having seen some gross things in my life before, I still don't find pictures like the one Mickeymouse now covers easy to watch.

Soren - Actually - it shouldn't be easy to experience or get used to - that picture was sent to me by one of my recently retired son who used to be in 'the trade'... and it was passed on to him. From a technical POV, you can't make a more perfect shot at that range.

The only thing that de-humanized it completely for me was the belt with about 10 pockets of C-5 and ball bearings that the recently expired clown was about to use to blow up a bunch of Iraqi civilians... helluva shot and I honestly hope he finds as many as he can. I must admit to zero compassion for that specific individual

Joe - you are welcome to use any way you wish - although I wonder if the Army sniper has it copyrighted..

hmmmmm typical of the hunting rifles used in Nam and elsewhere - same type of damage but not such a great a range.

I believe that the photo taken is of a single shot unit as there are semi-autos as well but too large a kick-back. A 1st cousin of mine has fired the lot of them in Iraq and continues to do so........ah good ol ranger training
This is a bogus pic and claim by the soldier in the picture. Check it out in Snopes.com.

The soldiers pic is of him in Kosovo.

From the Snopes article:

"The two photographs that accompany the e-mail are unrelated. At this point, it appears a prankster put them together with a fabricated background story.

The soldier pictured in the top photo is a member of the 28th Infantry Division (Mechanized) of the Pennsylvania Army National Guard. The picture was snapped not in Iraq (where this serviceman has yet to serve) but Kosovo, specifically, just outside Camp Bondsteel. The young man is not a sniper but a Signal Systems Support Specialist."

I'm not including the Snopes link 'cause it contains the edited photo. Google "50 cal green zone shot" and you will find the Snopes link.

Another claim by a wannabe "Hero".

I was actually wondering about that because the picture is definatly taken in Kosovo because of the KFOR on the Hummer and the Pennsylvania National Guard replaced my unit at Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo so we could go to Iraq.

Tom - what about the 'target" ?
Tom - what about the 'target" ?

From the Snopes article:

"We have an unconfirmed report that the second photo depicts an insurgent killed in Mosul by the Iraqi National Guard on 8 December 2004. The dead man, we're told, had been one of seven enemy combatants (not suicide bombers) ordered to emerge unarmed from a mosque in that city. They resisted, and all were killed."

I don't know what actually did the damage to the "target", but I personally think that had it been a 50 BMG., there would be less of the "target" left.

Btw, at 1500m range a 7.62X51 NATO round will mess our head up pretty good as-well.

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