50's 60's style stock car and drag racing...

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Petty Plymouth....

"Junior" Johnson....

"Little" Joe and Bud Moore....

Fred Lorenzen....

"Tiny" Lund and the Wood brothers....

"Fireball" Roberts Ford....

"Fireball" Roberts again, just before the tests....

Buck Baker....


Fred Lorenzen....

"Junior" Johnson....

Joe Weatherly....

Front starting line....

Fireball's Ford Rex White's Mercury....

#47 GC Spencer #11 Ned Jarrett Ford Plyomuth....

Bobby Isaac #99 Bowani Ford,Jim Paschal #41 Plymouth Billy Wade #5 Dodge....


Action II....

"Fireball" Roberts pitstop....

"Fireball" Roberts....

"Junior" in for a pitstop....


Action III....

Elmo Langley '62 and "Pancho's" Ford....

Battle to the first the first place....

Bunkie Blackburn's '62 Pontiac and Fred Lorenzen's Ford....
VERY true mate...! Would love to see History Channel do a decent series about NASCAR's history and factory sponsored dragracing too.....NO modern stuff!

#12 ford Ralph Moody #75 Bll Blair Merc....

Paul Goldsmith Chevy....

Fonty Flock in #4 Merc in pre-race,#15 to the race....

Paul Goldsmith....

Herb Thomas....

Tim Flock....

#97 Bill Amick/Ford,#8 Marvin Panch/ford #57 Speedy Thompson/Chrysler....

Curtis Turner....

Little Joe....

Tim Flock Curtis Turner....

Mercury engine....

Fonty Flock....

The first Grand National year entry for Bill Champion in Ford....

Bill Blair in #75 Mercury....

Jack Smith Jim Reed Chevy's....

"Fireball" Roberts....

Marvin Panch....

Curtis Turner during a pit stop....

Speedy Thompson....

Fonty Flock....

The third Schwam Motor Co. Ford from Billy Carden #19....

Mr Curtis Turner....

The winner in the great Schwam/Ford Customline....
Iron Racing! How many of those cars after the race would load up the kids and take them to the new McDonalds for a burger?!
Would be cool to show up outside the local food factory today in one of those....something for boyracers of today, to find inspiration from....

Petty's Hemi engine....


Paschal's Plymouth....

Mopar details....

Lee Roy....

"Tiny" Lund....

David Pearson....

Darel Dieringer....

Richard before the test....

Plymouth #43....

Fred LORENZEN's Pearl White Ford....

Jimmy Pardue....

The "Golden Boy"....

In the car,with Marvin Pancho....

Richard Petty in the pits....

And he's NOT a happy camper....

Keep cool kiddo....

Bobby Isaac....

Buddy Baker....
Paul Goldsmith's Smokey Pontiac details....

The car at the start on the beach....

Jimmy Thompson Pontiac 1957 #55....

Buck Baker '58 Chevy....

Paul Goldsmith Jimmy Thompson....

On a piece of road....

Curtis Turner Jack Smith rubbing shoulders....

Paul Goldsmith....

Curtis Turner....

The winner and Smokey himself....

Jack Smith and Curtis Turner at it....

Curtis Turner again....

....and Paul Goldsmith....

Dick Foley #61 Chevy 1956 and Curtis Turner Ford....

....and the same....

Still fighting....

Forgot to mention that it's Daytona in 1958....

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