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Indeed, the Axis invoked "God" as much as we did.
Anyone recall what was inscribed on the average Wehrmacht soldier's belt buckle?
Not really...a quick example: it's well known that Eisenhower prayed with the troops before they departed for Normandy, but did von Brauchitsch pray with the troops before Barbarossa? No.Indeed, the Axis invoked "God" as much as we did.
If you're referring to "Gott Mit Uns", that's held over from the Imperial Prussian buckles, and some German units used that motto on theirs as well. Other units, such as the Bavarians had an entirely different motto and emblem.Anyone recall what was inscribed on the average Wehrmacht soldier's belt buckle?
I'm aware of his father's status. It seems some verterans don't think like others. Go figure. I suppose we will have to put up with diverse opinions, just like in real life. I have zero doubts he has spoken to a lot of WWII pilots. They don't seem to have told him what some others have told me and that is not surprising. People can see the same event and come away with completely different impressions. So the opinions of the pilots he spoke with are right and everyone elses's are incorrect? Can't agree with that one.
I'd discuss it, but only when it doesn't escalate into personal attacks. Maybe it's better not to fight than to get heated. I'll go with that any day until it is impossible.
I have no doubt Bill's opinions and knowledge are solid and I have respect for both as well as the opinions of others as long as they don't try to beat me over the head with them and try to convince me that only they are right and there is no room for any dissenting thoughts. Haven't had much luck there.
It seems I can't express my thoughts without someone trying their best to rescue me from them. That usually generates a response in anyone's mind. When I concede we will have a agree to disagree, I get more challenge rather than a de-escalation, coupled with sarcastic insults, and that's not aimed at Bill, so don't take it that way. We aren't arguing now and that's a good thing. Seems like a no win situation and my only course that would seemingly satisfy everyone is to surrender and concede to superior opinion. I'm not much of a surrender practitioner and I haven't noticed anyone else being so, either.
If one person is free to state their opinion publically in here, then everyone should be. Maybe I'm aiming high.
The same government that issued the "God is with us" belt buckles above also created death camps and did their best to kill off a race of people. I think you can't have it both ways. Any God I'd worship wouldn't sanction mass murder for any reason. Others may feel there is no juxtaposition there at all. If so, I cannot agree. I can shut up and not discuss it, but I cannot agree. Perhaps religion isn't such a good subject in a subforum called "Aviation."
GregP said:I have respect for both as well as the opinions of others as long as they don't try to beat me over the head with them and try to convince me that only they are right and there is no room for any dissenting thoughts. Haven't had much luck there.
It reminds me of the aftermath of the WW1 meetings in no mans land when they supposedly played football (the football maybe a myth but they certainly met and had a drink) both sides concluded they were fighting deluded mad men who thought that God was with them when obviously God was with us.
My Grandmother and her sons were involved in the war they routinely invoked God in everyday conversation like "God speed" when leaving or God willing if something wasnt certain.
I've always had the belief that the common soldiers on both side were usually quite similar in their thoughts and hopes, and that they were fighting because their politicians failed at their jobs and resorted to war.
Almost everyone going off to war has family ask God for their safe return. They usually ask it themselves. Never doubted that.
What I said was they aren't praying when they're shooting from a strong position and things are going well ... they're praying when they're being shot at or are in a tight position. It's what I saw. Others may have seen things differently but, so far, they've mentioned it when THEY were in tight spots, which is what I said happens. So far, I don't see any contradictions.
When your grandmother's sons left, were they going to town and back for food or supplies or were they going off to war as soldiers? Hopefully all survived the war. My grandmother used to say about things when they were certain, that she hoped it would be OK ... "the good Lord willing and the creek don't rise ..." A couple of times it did rise, but they had built the house on a raised foundation, so they were fine. A bit of forethought helped a lot.
Im not religious, but people do strange things when confronted with danger. Im happy to admit that when given the opportunity to think about something about to happen, I jumped at the chance of asking for divine intervention....basically "if something is going to happen big guy, please dont make it be me?"
People who are scared do stuff, anything, to deal with that terror.
what I resent is the implication that anyone of faith is not practical, or hard bitten and they can't get the job done
The late 60 early 70 was not a easy time to have faith, it got you branded as a outsider, a holy roller. holy roller = wuss, not really wuss in that time era, but the real term used won't get by the censor. I got into a few fights over that.
One morning I was walking up to my assigned chopper when I noticed the pilot had his eyes closed before the engine start. I thought he might be praying, I asked him later, and I was right.
I could talk about Vietnam all day if someone would listen, but I probably wouldn't mention a word about religion unless somebody asked me a specific question about it. I think a lot of people may be that way.
I don't think it is a myth. My Grandmother has told me stories of her father participating in this very thing in WW1.
I could talk about Vietnam all day, too, Tom. But we'd likely not have the same things to say as we weren't in the same unit. I CAN say it was usually hot and humid, and my housekeeper was a wonderful girl. Wish I knew her today. Combat was combat. Enough said; you know or you don't. Everything else was trying to be comfortable and cool, which almost never happened and still doesn't much today. I liked nickel Heineken night at the club, mostly because it was cheap and we didn't have much money.
If anyone goes back, stay on the well-travelled trails. My thoughts are that there are still 10,000+ unexpended booby traps along the less travelled trails, not all of them are ours.
I'll think about your points, Adler. Someone's opinion can be questioned, certainly. The result shouldn't always have to be unpleasant and escalated to be so with no comment from you mods. If we can't agree, then we can't. Doesn't mean it has to get unpleasant all the time. Civil disussion is quite ok and I'll go with that if given half a chance. If not, I can fire as well as anyone, alibeit without liking it ... civil is always better.
I don't see many objections when I get fired at, in fact ... never so far unless I object personally to a mod. But I do see it when I respond. It tends to color the response at times. Any response ... in kind ... to incoming flak should be OK, or both should not be OK, don't you think?
I'll look for a response here.
I will think about what you say / have said and also try to adjust. Maybe less really IS more. I'm not all that good at typing anyway because I have one finger that doesn't work too well. An AK-47 round through the hand does that. Less typing may be in order.