A Canadian Victory : Vimy Ridge, 1917

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Master Sergeant
Greetings ladies and gentlemen.

A few important battles in WWI were won due to Canadian troops, or with major help coming from the Canadian Corp. (Well, at least from what we can see on the CBC and Historia channel.) So I decided to make a serie of threads about our different victories in WWI. Here is the first one, Vimy Ridge.

Taken from : Battle of Vimy Ridge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Part II

Ah yes, Vimy. One of the few places on the Western Front where the Allies actually achieved all of their objectives without bleeding their army to death. I'm still really amazed how the Canadians pulled that off (hats off to you guys).
The very thought of taking this feature is daunting in the extreme: to visit this site was one of the most emotional experiences of my visit to the Western Front in '07. It is a magnificent tribute to those who gave their all.


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