My Way
2011R143 minutes
This fact-based wartime drama follows two young men, one Korean and one Japanese, whose athletic rivalry ends with the start of World War II. Captured by the Soviets, both men escape but are separated, only to meet again in the D-Day invasion.
Castong-gun Jang, Jô Odagiri, Bingbing Fan, In-kwon Kim, Seung-hyeon Han, Jin-seok Yang, Ji-han Do, Hee-won KimDirector:Je Gyu KangGenresrama, Foreign, Military War Dramas, Military War Action, Dramas Based on Real Life, Foreign Dramas, Foreign Action Adventure, Korean Language, KoreaLanguage:KoreanThis movie is:Violent, Dark, GrittyFormatVD
2011R143 minutes
This fact-based wartime drama follows two young men, one Korean and one Japanese, whose athletic rivalry ends with the start of World War II. Captured by the Soviets, both men escape but are separated, only to meet again in the D-Day invasion.
Castong-gun Jang, Jô Odagiri, Bingbing Fan, In-kwon Kim, Seung-hyeon Han, Jin-seok Yang, Ji-han Do, Hee-won KimDirector:Je Gyu KangGenresrama, Foreign, Military War Dramas, Military War Action, Dramas Based on Real Life, Foreign Dramas, Foreign Action Adventure, Korean Language, KoreaLanguage:KoreanThis movie is:Violent, Dark, GrittyFormatVD