A look at German fighter Ace kill claims (7 Viewers)

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I can feel the tension starting to rise here in Groundhog Thread 3.0. Just a reminder to everyone, please keep it civil. This is not directed at anyone in particular, and so far everything is cool. It's just a general thought to everyone participating in this discussion. Thanks
Hi CHen10, I appreciate you asking. I believe there has been enough of the book posted for those truly wishing to understand to realize the quality and depth of research the book has. Posting more won't change the minds of a few and that is ok. For every couple dozen there remains one.
If they wish to read more, then why not pick up a copy of the book itself. Thanks for asking, but my response is no.
Hi CHen10, I appreciate you asking. I believe there has been enough of the book posted for those truly wishing to understand to realize the quality and depth of research the book has. Posting more won't change the minds of a few and that is ok. For every couple dozen there remains one.
If they wish to read more, then why not pick up a copy of the book itself. Thanks for asking, but my response is no.
That makes sense. Sounds good to me!
Getting that book. I like good research. Lord knows i have more then enough, but one more.

DerAdlerIstGelandet DerAdlerIstGelandet

This is not a groundhog thread. It is opinion against solid research. Noted so one can see for themselves.

It is bad sport to call it that. It is condescending.

It is a writer, historian, who has done the miles, explaining why another might be wrong in his beliefs. With facts. Not opinions.
I have not seen sources from others in this discussion that can lead me to see why one has such opposition toward facts.
And it it that lack of naming sources for that belief that leads to tension.

I believe there should be far more support for writers here. We lost a few didnt we.
Getting that book. I like good research. Lord knows i have more then enough, but one more.

DerAdlerIstGelandet DerAdlerIstGelandet

This is not a groundhog thread. It is opinion against solid research. Noted so one can see for themselves.

It is bad sport to call it that. It is condescending.

It is a writer, historian, who has done the miles, explaining why another might be wrong in his beliefs. With facts. Not opinions.
I have not seen sources from others in this discussion that can lead me to see why one has such opposition toward facts.
And it it that lack of naming sources for that belief that leads to tension.

I believe there should be far more support for writers here. We lost a few didnt we.

Care to show me where I said anything about the author, his work, or his posts? Please don't make more out of what I said…

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