A new book in my library. (4 Viewers)

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Good stuff chaps.

I dropped a clanger regarding Volume 9 of LCA. Got in touch with Mark, at the publisher's, who very politely pointed out that the release date, after pre-order, is June 9th, clearly shown on the advert in their e-mail Newsletter - Doh !
I'd confused this with the release date for the next volume of the BoB Combat Archive - I must stop drinking that Alzheimer's Ale !!!!
Thanks Terry and yeah my last haul for 2 months at least. Wife does not believe me but I have to if I want to go to Air venture this year which I do LOL.
Yep, got to go to the show, and the books will still be there to be had at some point.
I'm in a similar situation, as I'm intending to go to at least three major air shows this year, with one of the trips being an extended week or more, taking in some air museums and former USAAF airfields in Norfolk and Suffolk, and hopefully, Tangmere and Middle Wallop in the same trip. Consequently, I'm trying to avoid too much expenditure beforehand - don't know if it'll work though !!!

Sweet Terry, what shows if I might ask.
Thanks guys and your right Wayne, I am running out of book space

Andy the 49th squadron book is a typical squadron signal book. 64 pages long with good pictures and always leaving you wanting more

Paul, the Battle Colors V is a good book, I have managed to end up with all five of them and really enjoy them. From what I understand, as they find out more, they will print follow ups. I'm not sure how they plan to release them but I read this somewhere.
Thanks guys and your right Wayne, I am running out of book space

Andy the 49th squadron book is a typical squadron signal book. 64 pages long with good pictures and always leaving you wanting more
Interestingly enough the latest P-40 to be made airworthy down here in Oz is in a similar scheme as that shown on the front cover.
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