A new book in my library. (1 Viewer)

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and (In no particular order.)
Just arrived, five books, plus two more from Geo (Fubar 57) in PDF format.
As I needed to complete the Battle of Britain Combat Archive as published to date, I took advantage of a 'Black Friday' deal at Wingleader, and got the four volumes at 20% off, and free shipping.
The 'Mushroom' book on the F-5 is hard cover, brand new, and obtained at less than half price, again with free shipping. Being totally colour profiles, it's not quite what I expected, but worth having, especially at the price. A couple of page spreads are shown, to give an idea of the quality of the profiles.
The final two, the Swiss F-5 and the F-16 book, were kindly provided by Geo, and are superb references - thanks again Geo, very much appreciated.


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