A new book in my library.

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This one came today and glad I did not pay a lot for it and pretty disappointed in it and hope when I really dig in to it that the reading it its better but browsing through it does not seem to. Very rarely do I right bad reviews but this one really disappointed me. There are no pictures of aircraft of any kind in the book. Most if not all of book is copied out of diaries on certain dates and from the look of it word for word. No details, Looks like the author did not add anything to the areas or details. Jumps from recon cars to artillery to some squadrons but all info very vague. Especially since it says on the cover through the eyes of the squadrons and flights of the RAF regiment. There is also no cross index any where that I have found yet of details of the enemy units that might have been encountered.

An example, The enemy attacked the flying field with 5 M.E. 109's and 2 Fw 190's dropping bombs and gunning ground installations ect and yes the ect is in the book. Unit guns opened fire, but no results, as the enemy was just out of range. That's it then jumps to another battle. Very vague for a researcher. Seems like half the book is on ground support diaries but just as vague.

Another example, Armored Car reconnaissance S/L Willington, with P/O Oswald and Sgt Pringle of area east and south east of the areodrone. Then drops to next paragraph says no incident and then next jumps to No 3 Rifle Flight (under command of F/O Hebb) arrived from base after refitting- part of rear echelon which landed in boats at Oran after being torpedoed in the STRAHALLEN.

My two cents on it so far is save your money.

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:( and :rolleyes: (In no particular order.)
bummer Paul, that's a pain when that happens, had the odd one that didn't please me too, thankfully we don't get bit too often.....

Another one to arrive in the post box..

Pacific Adversaries_Vol-1.jpg
Just arrived, five books, plus two more from Geo (Fubar 57) in PDF format.
As I needed to complete the Battle of Britain Combat Archive as published to date, I took advantage of a 'Black Friday' deal at Wingleader, and got the four volumes at 20% off, and free shipping.
The 'Mushroom' book on the F-5 is hard cover, brand new, and obtained at less than half price, again with free shipping. Being totally colour profiles, it's not quite what I expected, but worth having, especially at the price. A couple of page spreads are shown, to give an idea of the quality of the profiles.
The final two, the Swiss F-5 and the F-16 book, were kindly provided by Geo, and are superb references - thanks again Geo, very much appreciated.

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