A new book in my library.

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This one came today, over 450 pages on the Caudron Renault Cr.714. Lots of pictures, drawings, profiles. camouflage and more.

It's a fantastic piece of research and writing. My kind of history, reviewing "accepted" perspectives and challenging them based on detailed research and understanding.

That's what I gathered. I spent a few months last year poking around Tully's Port, a forum mainly dedicated to the Pacific naval war, and many of the quoted snippets struck me as very thoughtful and nuanced -- not always common in books about battles.

An added benefit was that Mr Tully participated in some discussion and brought, again, a lot of thoughtful and nuanced points to the conversations.

On those two strengths, I reckoned it was high time I got it. I need to finish up my current reading before delving into it -- I'm a hundred pages into a book about the history of the electric guitar, lol.
I read somewhere that at least one of the authors has adjusted one or two of the findings revealed in the book (as new information was found?). Which I could find it again, print it out and put it with the book.

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