A new book in my library.

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buffnut453 wrote:
I think the others are pretty self-explanatory. The "Six Weeks of Blenheim Summer" is a personal account by a Blenheim pilot in the Battle of France. His Granddaughter helped finish the book. I hadn't seen it before until a spied a copy on a friend's bookshelf. Since I'm mostly interested in the first 2-3 years of WW2, and have had a long-standing fascination with the Fall of France in 1940, it was too good a book to pass up.

"Six Weeks of Blenheim Summer" is a classic.
Neil ( Falke Eins ) very kindly sent me a copy of his latest "bookazine", "Luftwaffe Fighters: Combat On All Fronts", this being Issue 1, dealing with the Bf109 ( Issue 2 will cover the FW190).
I've only been able to have a brief "flip through" so far, but there are180 pages, packed with photos, accounts and interviews with Luftwaffe pilots., very nicely produced, and looks to be extremely interesting and informative. I hope to get down to reading it over the next couple of days.
I wanted to attach a photo, but my PC is playing silly b*ggers, and is not scanning, and downloading pics from my cameras has gone daft, opening in a different format to normal, and the pics, when they eventually load, then can't be found afterwards !
Time to get the PC sorted methinks !!

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