A new book in my library.

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Well I guess after the purchase of the last Yefim Gordon book my son texts me and says I thought you would not buy any more Russian aircraft books. I said that you knew I have been looking for this one. He goes you know how I wanted you to store my books with yours till done with college. I go yeah, they are in the closet. Yeah but did you notice I rearranged your library and most of your soviet books are there as well. I was like no I haven't read much since you left. He says to go look in closet. Don't mind the cob webs but I guess we have a bunch of Soviet books and that is not all of them. Over half the shelf is Yefim Gordon books LOL. I guess I stand corrected and now need a bigger closet.

Thanks! Very interesting, enjoy! Shame the second hand price in the hundred.

Impressive collection tovarich! And yes, you need more space.
Thanks! Very interesting, enjoy! Shame the second hand price in the hundred.

Impressive collection tovarich! And yes, you need more space.
Thanks and agree with you, second hand prices are way up there and why I was happy to find this one under a hundred buck. As far as bigger closet it might be time to stop buying or maybe get rid of some in area's I am not currently pursuing. Time will tell I guess and this room is filling up faster then I have time to read for the moment.

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