A new book in my library.

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Thanks for reviewing the airfields book Colin.
I have a number of books on the subject, and had considered getting this but, following your review, I think I'll give it a miss.
Been chasing a good, reasonably priced (including postage) copy of this one for some time. Just before Xmas found a very good used condition copy with an online bookseller in the UK at a reasonable price with reasonable p&p quoted. Ordered and arrived 6 days later - UK to Australia. Condition is better than what the seller had quoted in their listing, so very happy with this one. Some serious reading to do in this one at 532 pages.


Great buy

I do a regular search on bookfinder.com for a range of books and have got lucky on several in the UK lately. Sometimes postage is a killer but if you get the book for a fantastic price like I did recently then the excessive postage for the pair still makes the purchase reasonable. Especially when one book is over fifty times the price in a shop in Aus that is only a short walk from a fellow collector who often sends me books to scan and post here. He is a lurker who does not want to be named.

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