A new book in my library.

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Some titles my friend sent me. There is never enough time for everything. One day of break left after tomorrow. Where does the time go?


  • A6M2:3 Zero-sen 1942.png
    A6M2:3 Zero-sen 1942.png
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  • British Pacific Fleet 1944-45.png
    British Pacific Fleet 1944-45.png
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  • Cape Matapan 1941.png
    Cape Matapan 1941.png
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  • Frances's War in Indochina.png
    Frances's War in Indochina.png
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  • Japan's Indian Ocean Raid 1942.png
    Japan's Indian Ocean Raid 1942.png
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  • Operation Pedestal 1942.png
    Operation Pedestal 1942.png
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  • Roman Legionary Fortresses.png
    Roman Legionary Fortresses.png
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  • The Field Armies of the East Roam Empire, 361-630.png
    The Field Armies of the East Roam Empire, 361-630.png
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Thanks! When I was MUCH younger, I had an avid interest in ancient and medieval history. I was even going to college to be a professor until life derailed that. I ended up teaching middle schoolers instead lol! I am very excited about the Operation Ro-Go and Indian Ocean Raids books, since that's where I lounge these days.
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You would love Pécs, the town I used to live in in Hungary. Alot of Roman and early Christian history, plus the fifth oldest University in the world (built in 1367). What was once Roman streets are now people's basements, and if you could knock down the new seperating walls, you could walk the entire length of the town by the old roads the Romans used...We don't have that kind of history in New Zealand!

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