A new book in my library. (4 Viewers)

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This one is the latest arrival. A bit of a 'niche' work, covering the history of one of the Elementary Flying Training Schools (EFTS) set up by the RAAF in Australia during WW2. In this instance 7EFTS at Western Junction in Tasmania. It is self published as a limited run by the author George Ashwood, and given the size, look, and general style, it feels very much like he might have had some help in his self publishing by the folks associated with Avonmore Publications and their South Pacific Air War series. 242 pages, the first just over half, being the history of the EFTS, how it came into being in 1940, and then a chronological telling of the story of the airfield and the various courses that went through there until the unit was closed down and officially disbanded in late 1945. It includes a number of appendices in the second half including a listing of all known personnel to have served with the EFTS, then a rather large appendix which give biographies of some of the trainee pilots who passed through the EFTS listed in course order - a number of which reached high rank with the RAAF post-War, and a number were decorated for their actions during WW2. It is reasonably well illustrated with photographs sourced from the collections of a number of pilots who trained there, as well as period press clippings and press photos held in the collections of various archives around Australia.

My copy directly purchased from the author and signed by him as well.

My additions for the last month.

These three were supposed to complete my set. One annoys me as I bought Vols 1 and 2 from one site and Vol 3 from a second site. I ended up with two vol threes. Up side is the second copy has all the inserts that are missing from the other copy. Down side is I still need vol 2.

This one Snautzer put me on to. Many thanks. I will scan and post asap

$10 in a bookstore in Hilo

Also got this pennant in Hawaii
Nice scores.
Awrsome scores mate.
What is the 'Grey Wolf' pennant about with the RNZAF?

It was in amongst the wartime souvenirs of an RNZAF Hudson Navigator that I got from his daughter when I was in Hawaii. He was in Hawaii the week before Pearl Harbor en route to Canada for training under the Empire Training Scheme. He served in the Solomons and at Espirito Santo

When I get time I will ask the RNZAF Museum what they know of it.
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By the way, guys, I've picked up some great books in the past from Edward Hamilton bookseller.

Here's their link:

They have a wide range of historical publications (including WWII).

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