A new book in my library.

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I just got home from working away for a while to find Volume Two,1943-1944, of Smith and Creek's Fw 190 series has arrived.

I will be perusing it shortly!

Got mine on Tuesday and with today's arrival of Dora Volume 1, my FW 190 collection has expanded significantly on the least 10 days!

Wayne, I liked the material you sent me so much I decided to get the original. Thanks again for the info on White 11.

But you can read German old chap. You might not be able to make any sense out of it, but you can read it!

never thought of it that way....

new scores in the mail....Finnish Fighter pilots Aerial victories Vol.1 and 2 got them through Avions Bateaux on sale price and saved plenty on buying them from Finland.


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Just ordered "Resurrection: Salvaging the Battle Fleet at Pearl Harbor" by Daniel Madsen, from Amazon.com. I have been looking for a book about the salvage of Pearl Harbor for many years, and just found this. I understand this is a brand new book. Will let you all know how it is....


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