A new book in my library. (1 Viewer)

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I first read this book back in 1995, having borrowed it from the local Library. I've recently been looking for a copy, and second-hand prices ranged from £22 ($33) in soft back, to £120 ($180) in hard back!
Picked this up, in hard back, excellent condition - for £1 !!!
An excellent book covering the actions of 609 Sqn RAF, and I/JG53, between August and December 1940, there are many previously un-published photos, from private collections, with those showing the Bf109Es of I/JG53, in particular, being of great interest, due mainly to the unusual colour schemes. These also shed new light on the reappearance of the famous 'Pik As' badge - as early as August!
Numerous first-hand accounts describe the battles between the two units on specific days, and the appendices include listings of claims and losses for both sides with aircraft codes/number and serial number/Werke Nummer where known.
All in all an great book and excellent reference.


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It is David, and well worth getting if you have any interest in the BoB and the months immediately following it. The author, Chris Goss, was a serving RAF pilot at the time he wrote it, and started work on the book after being given some photographs by a former Luftwaffe pilot. Lots of information, especially of the 'personal details' type, not otherwise published elsewhere.
Sorry Wayne, they only had the one copy. When I've read the text covering the August period, I'll scan some of the photos for you. They're B&W of course, but can probably be analysed for probable colours. This JG was known for many 'different' schemes, but whether this was an official experiment, or just done at unit level, is not known. The interesting thing is photos, purporting to be in August 1940, showing the 'Pik As' badge .
Nice one - I might consider getting it myself, as I have a 1/48th scale kit to detail. There are also lots of good interior shots on Guttorm's web-site, although they're probably similar to those in the book.
They probably are similar but you can never have too many close up photos... For the price it's deffo worth it. Nice little one stop reference book. Perhaps I should have mentioned that this book looks very different from the normal Squadron Signal format. It's landscape A4 (Larger) or US equivalent ? and nice glossy paper. A step in the right direction imo.

Edit: Just got round to checking, it's in fact the same size, I was sure it looked larger.
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It's that Alzheimer's Ale that does it !!
Just had this little lot delivered from 'The Works'. Four books, valued at just under £70, for £16 including shipping - worth the risk I think!


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Ebay has quite a few listings for the HE111 title here for any buyers in the UK.
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