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Airman 1st Class
Aug 29, 2007
York, England
Following on from the Low Level Video thread - just in case anyone was in any doubt as to which Service has the expertise in real low level ops (as opposed to staged fly-throughs in a well known environment) - please permit me to introduce to you: THE ROYAL AIR FORCE

By kind permission of Tom "TJ" Hill: Copyright protected


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And then along came the "new boys........"

Still 'working-up' so not as low: Yeah right!

Again reproduced by kind permission of TJ. Copyright.


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The photos are pretty good
The RAF are OK but there are just as good . I think I can validate this opinion by having worked for 3 years in ATC at NATO lo level flying training area in Goose Bay . Your lo level area or routes in Europe are pretty small . Ours was almost the size of the UK itself which is why it was used by the RAF, GAF,RNLAF, IAF and others .
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it's a Typhoon. The Rafale has canards sitting more aft of the cockpit and has split, curvy intakes while the Eurofighter has its canards in a more forward position with side-by-side rectangular intakes.
I definitely approve of the name. Wikipedia says "Rafale" means "squall" in English, so not only do they look similar, they have similar names as well.
Sweet pictures all around! Yeah, definitely Typhoons. I didn't know the RAF was already operating T1's, thought they were still receiving the F2's. I've got a model of an F2 I'm about halfway through with, I'll post pictures when I get the chance. Where is the AO? Scotland? Wales? Looks like the Highlands.
Heh, I do what I can. I almost bit on it too, all the Rafale pics i've seen have been from the very front.
Some more from TJ (Copyright): All taken in Wales at Bwlch (yes, Bwlch!) and Cad Pass.


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