A question about this P-47 picture...

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Senior Airman
Jan 30, 2007
Does anyone know anything about this picture? Is it a real photo of a P-47 letting off steam? The photo is so clear sharp that it can't possibly be a real "in flight shooting" photo (their is no motion blur)...what was this photo for?

:eating: :coffee:


  • P-47_040315-F-9999G-029.jpg
    75.8 KB · Views: 353
Last edited:
Any chance you could re-size it?
I'm guessing a PR shot for the new Republic fighter?
I have a similar shot demonstrating the P-47's firepower but it's on the ranges ie on the ground
Any chance you could re-size it?
I'm guessing a PR shot for the new Republic fighter?
I have a similar shot demonstrating the P-47's firepower but it's on the ranges ie on the ground

Is that better?

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