"... In summer of 1941".
There were, what ..? .... 200 Sturmoviks ... in service? The crews weren't trained, they had no rear gunner,
And hurricanes, had rear gunners?
no tactics had been developed, and they certainly weren't armed with rockets.
Why not? RS rockets were experienced from 1935 to 1937, adapted in Red Army in 1938, mass-produced from 1940.
Speaking of tactics .... Sturmovik tactics were the same tactics as T-34 tactics ... massed assault.
And so what? Typhoon were used with extreme parcimony?
In North Africa .....? no one is saying they would be useless ... but I don't think they would have been any improvement on the canon-armed Hurricane or the Beaufighter. By 1941 what the British needed in N. Africa was reliable tanks ... and lots of them [another thread, another topic, mon ami].
Another tread yes, but if you don't have the better tanks, and least you can create the best battle conditions for them, by
air or artillery support. It was not like that in Normandy?
Well, if you think that Hurricanes and Beaufs are the best
assault planescompared specialised ones as Il-2 (Stuka or HS-129), it will be your own problem soon...
RCAF Typhoons [and there were plenty in '44 -'45] carried 2x500 lb bombs, not rockets, IIRC. RAF Typhoons used rockets.
And so what? They were better?