Accurate Miniatures P-51B in 1/48 scale?

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Staff Sergeant
Oct 31, 2012
Austin, TX
Hey, Guys,
Anyone have any experience with this kit? Is it a reasonably good kit for under $15? Care to comment on pros and cons of this kit?
Hey, Ivan the Terrible (;) )
Thanks for the response. I just may pull the trigger if the bidding stays that low.
They sure are! If you can get it for under $30 it'll be a bargain! If not, then the ICM and Tamiya kits are ok (as you know) and even the old Monogram kit. Just wish some one would bring out a realistically-priced, accurate version in 1/32nd scale.
Yeah, I was surprised that I got it for that price. I set a max bid of $25 and only one other guy bid when we were at $11.89. I guess he gave up when my bid came right back at him after he bid something like $13.27. Guess this is karma. The 1/48 Eduard Lysander cost me $51 with shipping.
I remember when Eduard's Tempest was out of production a while back. Bidding went way past my $50 limit and it was up in the $80s before I stopped checking.

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