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lesofprimus said:
About 3/4 of Americans hate the Frogs tho...

Please Lesofprimus, be careful when talking about French. I'm a French-speaking Canadian and I would apreciate that you don't put us in the same basket than the French from France.

I don't hate Americans. I respect what they did and I think (to a certain point) that they were right to attack Iraq. Who would be bothered to get rid of a dictator ?

Don't blame Canada for not openly back America up. Our army sucks ! We could not fight-off a militia even if we had to...

And each time you call someone "Frog", remember that in Canada, 5,000,000 out of 30,000,000 citizens are French-speakings.
lesofprimus said:
Frog is not a reference to French speakers, but FRENCH CITIZENS...

Ive been to France too many goddamn times for ones own good...
Horrible palce, horrible people, horrible attitudes....

And everything is filthy.....

I agree with you on that ! France (especially Paris) is horrible.

Yeah, it even happen with French-Canadian. I mean, when we go there, they sometimes fake that they don't understand us because of our Canadian accent. It even happened at a TV show ! Thierry Hardisson was interviewing a female Canadian writer. At a point of the interview, he said : "There is only a thing that I dislike from you... You're Canadian accent !" What a mother f*cker !
The French are very ignorant. I have been six times to France, and each time I've hated it more.

Did you know the international air language is English, but in France the French Air Traffic talk to the French planes, in French. It actually caused a crash in 1995.

I didn't know that.

It's quite the same thing here. I mean not in the Air Traffic, but in the everyday life. French don't want to learn English, so English learn French and they get the big job in every company...

... And French wonder WHY they never get the high-ranking spot.

I learned English because I love UK. I'm sure that if I had not learned English, nobody would have bothered me to do so...

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