Aces (1 Viewer)

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By French standards maybe...but anything that could get in the air at all was fantastic by French standards... ;)
Yeah, Americans (on the whole) are a pretty hateable bunch
that is true m8 but just dont include me in there! im disgusted by most americans to be frank and having said this i would do much better in europe =P (hotter women, except for britain) o well i guess ill move to germany or switzerland or something when im older

Reichsmarschall Batista
GermansRGeniuses said:
Yeah, Americans (on the whole) are a pretty hateable bunch
that is true m8 but just dont include me in there! im disgusted by most americans to be frank and having said this i would do much better in europe =P (hotter women, except for britain) o well i guess ill move to germany or switzerland or something when im older

Reichsmarschall Batista

Whats wrong with British women???! German women are covered in hair mate! they look like Bears! (unless you like that kind of thing? :confused: )
Gemans aces scored most aerial kills, busted most tanks, flak installations... Germans were\are the best pilots, so stop making excuses. Hartmann shot down 6 "`stangs" as I recall with his Bf109, and Rudel managed to crack open tanks, sink ships AND down fighters AND land to pickup his shot down comrades and all that under fire by flak and fighters AND HE DID THAT EVEN AFTER LOOSING A LEG.

And please stop trasing the Sturmvogel, it ripped your bombers apart like paper, and was allmost unmatched at speed and MOSTLY shot down when landing, so you could basically call a sopwith camel a jet killer just because he soars around Sturmvogel`s airports.
GermansRGeniuses said:
Whats wrong with British women???!
crooked teeth and most are whiter than me (GASP!)

Reichsmarschall Batista

And how many times my yank friend (?) have you been to england???? I am no oil painting but i have yet to resort looking for some one with yellow teeth. And as for american women, well, considering two thirds of your population are obese i really hate to think what your females are like mate.... :pukeleft:
Well theres so much inbreeding going on over there...mind you St Dennis in Cornwall is the incest capital of Europe (seriously it is) so anyone from cornwall should probably avoid talking about that subject... :onlyamother: ;)

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