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Nov 22, 2009
The Jungles of Canada
If you are thinking about upgrading your Adobe Reader to this version....DON'T. I did last night and now I have thousands of PDFs with the Adobe logo. There are no more icons. According to Adobe, this is the way it is, the way it will to be you. I've tried to find the previous version I was using but so far, no luck. If anyone has a solution, could you please, please share it. Thanks in advance..

Anyway.... I would go to the CP panel and uninstall the Adobe Reader DC. Then I would click the "My Computer" icon and then the HDD "C" partition. Go to the Program Files folder. If there was still the Adobe folder I would delete it manually. Unless you use another Adobe soft. Then it should stay there.
The next step is to go to the installer ...

Choose and set your Windows version in the line Step1
Choose and set the language in the line Step2
Choose and set the AR version you want to install in the line Step3.

Click the Download button in the right bottom corner. And then follow other instructions if needed.
After downloading of the file you may install it by clicking on the file icon on the workbench or via your net browser. The Firefox allows do that with the Arrow icon on its toolbar in top right corner.
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Worked like a charm Wojtek. Just a matter of scrolling through thousands of PDFs and letting them convert back to icons. Again, many, many thanks. It would be nice if companies would release an explanation of what an upgrade/update will affect. Something along the lines of "Hey we're about to screw you royally. Thanks for upgrading"

My pleasure. And you are right. A such info should be provided. But you know... being in possession of the truth and getting money is more important than customers.
Thanks for the link Marcel. Being stupid at all things computery, what needs to be done after the download. I'm assuming I have to make it my default reader somehow?

With Adobe. After reading some reviews, I'll hold off swapping readers for a while. All Adobe logos have finally reverted back to icons.

I see. I think there is no need to set the default reader. If you want to use another soft for opening a PDF file just click with the right mouse button on icon of a file of the PDF type and then choose the "Open With" option. There should be listed all programs you may use for opening of the file. It is enough to click the one you want. If there aren't you can choose "Choose the Default Program" option. In the new window you will find all programs for accessing the file. The basic programs are see directly in the window but the entire rest of them may be hidden at the "Other Programs" menu and accessed by clicking of the hat mark on right side. If you chose the proper program and there is marked a small square at line with "Always use the chosen program for the opening of the file type", by clicking OK button you will set the chosen program as the default one for the type of files. If your program isn't listed there you may use the "Browse" button , (at the same line), for finding the program on your HDD. Usually all installed programs are saved with the path.. C/Program Files/folder with the execute file. That's all. If you aren't satisfied with the new program you may set back the Adobe Reader in the same way. Oh.. by the way... if you set another program for a file opening, the Windows will change the basic icon for all files of the same type. As a result, the PDF icon of the Adobe Reader seen so far, will be changed to the Evince one for instance.
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