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Mine is of course just a suggestion . I always try to use opensource software if possible instead of free commercial software. Commercial software quite often come with adds and other 'niceties' which I really hate. The advantage of Evince is that it is created by the Gnome community, one of the biggest Open Source communities, which means it's not going away anytime soon and bug are fixed extremely fast.

Anyway for me, Acrobatreader is too bloated, so I use this.
The unwanted instalation of the McAfee antivirus isn't the Adobe's fault. But it is matter of reading the info at the installer I'm afraid. It is enough to deselect the small square there that is marked by default to stop the antivirus installation.
But these kind of practises makes me cringe. And yes, it is Adobe's fault to make this an opt-out instead of an opt-in. They count on the user being over their head and not reading. Installing java without reading installs a new searchbar on your browser. It does that with every update and if you were in a hurry once, it'l take a lot of effort to remove it again later. In the past I even had all kinds of well know free software on windows trying to install spyware, just waiting for you to impatiently click on OK...

So for me it is either free and opensource or paid software. No closed source, commercial freeware.
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