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I feel like I am 60 right now, especially when my wife had to put the hot compress on my back this morning because it swelled up and locked up on me. Damn that was painful.
Back problems are awful. The worst thing is everyone who has never had one doesn't believe how painful they are. I had one that lasted for a month and half, all the doctor did was pump me full of pain killers the entire time! That was a great month and a half...

Yeah, no kidden. Yesterday I had back problems. For a while I thought I was Govenor Conally in November of '63!
JCS said:
Hooo boy, another P-38
What do you mean by me being a P-38? I ain't fast, don't have guns on me, and I can't fly! HEHE I ain't a troll like you think I am. I just study the 20th Century.
My dad has back problems, which were ineviotable because of wht hes been doing all his life. Theyve just given him pain killers too, and despite the fact he wanted an x-ray they said he didnt need one...He still wants one but they wont let him...

One funny thing about the whole scenerio is that some of his tablets are called "Proven retard..."
man you are guys are way too young to start having back problems....this is heart wrenching. I'm 50 something and feel like a million bucks. Must be all the insane bike riding with a 25F headwind in my face 8)

bike riding yes I am due for another one this morn before my lights go up on the gingerbread house...

CC what is your father doing for exercise, can he do some stretches that are not too tedious ? how about one of those massage units that are sold everywhere ?

♫ E ♫
He has one of those massagers but he complains it jjust makes it worse. He does some simple exercises every morning and evening and has a muscle stimulator when hes at home but they dont seem to be doing anything.
ww1ace said:
What do you mean by me being a P-38? I ain't fast, don't have guns on me, and I can't fly! HEHE I ain't a troll like you think I am. I just study the 20th Century.

By P-38 I mean P-38 Pilot, hes one of the younger members here. Everyones jokes always go right over his head, like Trackends went right over yours......
ww1ace said:
I just study the 20th Century.

As does everyone else here pretty much, and there is quite a bit of real knowledge that is floating around here.

Erich said:
man you are guys are way too young to start having back problems....this is heart wrenching. I'm 50 something and feel like a million bucks.

You also have not been feeling the vibrations of a helicopter up your spine for almost 1500 flight hours. My back problems started after my tour in Iraq. I had to lean completly out the side my aicraft to watch our tail and make sure no one was trying to shoot us down from our six. I had to do that with amoured plates straped to my chest and back. I now have a slight curvature to my back that I did not have before Iraq. Eversince I have been back, I have been having back problems. A friend of mine is only 3 years older than me just had back surgery and was medically discharged from the army. All because of our job and how we had to do it.
You have my sympathy Adler, which is more than I get from my missus when my back goes out she just calls me Quasimodo as its self inflicted.
I had an old car in the 70's and being a typical young guy thought I was strong and could take out the engine without using a hoist I got it on to the edge of the engine bay when it slipped off and instead of letting it go I attempted to hold it I felt something go ping in me back an that was that. Most of the time I'm OK but a couple of times a year it goes out and I'm doing a Charles Laughton. I get really frustrated doing things like pull on me trousers in the morning as I cant bend down nor straighten up.
Perhaps you can see your quack Adler and he can get something sorted for you with a specialist.
I would love to get mine fixed. I am waiting till I am out of the Army though next year, because I do not want to stop flying right now. I want to fly right up until I get out.

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