Senior Airman
Imperial War Museum Duxford....... has many Air shows, here's my feed back from the 2005 Flying Legends Air Show
Flying Legends Air Show 2005.
Having attempted to hit London two days before and the train I stepped on were cancelled (Bomb blast). I decided to convert the train tickets to Cambridge for the Flying Legends Air Show I had a ticket for.
The day of said show arrived and here I am the day afterwards, having taken 4 buses and 6 trains and forked out a shed load of money (well a shed load in my terms), to tell you that every effort and every penny was well worth it. What a fantastic day, even without the suntan I got and the rather tasty wine I took and drank, it was an outstanding and amazing day.
So to those who love planes and even to those who do not, I say to you get you butt there next year, you will not be disappointed. There were folk from all over the world and no wonder, it is one heck of a show.
There were moments I tingled from head to toe at the sight of some the planes they pulled out; the commentary by Sean Maffett and Bernard Chabbert was both informative and funny.
The displays were amazing, of course I went to see the beloved Lancaster and I wasn't disappointed it taxied right in front of me and then flew off into the sky along with a Spitfire. (Lancaster B1 PA474) (Spitfire 11A P7350).
However, I have to say I was charmed by many a plane and many a display, I was really taken by the performance of a Tigercat (F7F-3P) who's display was non too shabby. There were several other cats up there are one point (Wild, Hell, and Bear).
Seeing two B25s go up into the air and form a display at the same time was tad magic. I had also long wanted to see a Thunderbolt in flight and again there she was.
One of the tastiest displays in my mind was when two Mustangs flying together so tight, it looked like they were glued. There were a good few clever manoeuvres by Corsairs, a Gladiator, Hawk, Yak and even a Catalina and DC3.
But seeing 8 spitfires go up into the air at the same time was a bit special, as was when well over 20 planes all hit the sky together in one tip top tastic fly past at the end of the show.
Blooming magic I tell ya, all of it.
It was also my first visit to Duxford's splendid Imperial War Museum which I would recommend to anyone to visit, and also my first time walking through a 'Concord' display plane, which just added to the whole event.
So here endeth my feed back from the Flying Legends Air Show (pics to follow) and I look forward to a better quality and expert feed back from the lads from this site who also went along. (remember boys I am still learning….hope I did ok).
Flying Legends Air Show 2005.
Having attempted to hit London two days before and the train I stepped on were cancelled (Bomb blast). I decided to convert the train tickets to Cambridge for the Flying Legends Air Show I had a ticket for.
The day of said show arrived and here I am the day afterwards, having taken 4 buses and 6 trains and forked out a shed load of money (well a shed load in my terms), to tell you that every effort and every penny was well worth it. What a fantastic day, even without the suntan I got and the rather tasty wine I took and drank, it was an outstanding and amazing day.
So to those who love planes and even to those who do not, I say to you get you butt there next year, you will not be disappointed. There were folk from all over the world and no wonder, it is one heck of a show.
There were moments I tingled from head to toe at the sight of some the planes they pulled out; the commentary by Sean Maffett and Bernard Chabbert was both informative and funny.
The displays were amazing, of course I went to see the beloved Lancaster and I wasn't disappointed it taxied right in front of me and then flew off into the sky along with a Spitfire. (Lancaster B1 PA474) (Spitfire 11A P7350).
However, I have to say I was charmed by many a plane and many a display, I was really taken by the performance of a Tigercat (F7F-3P) who's display was non too shabby. There were several other cats up there are one point (Wild, Hell, and Bear).
Seeing two B25s go up into the air and form a display at the same time was tad magic. I had also long wanted to see a Thunderbolt in flight and again there she was.
One of the tastiest displays in my mind was when two Mustangs flying together so tight, it looked like they were glued. There were a good few clever manoeuvres by Corsairs, a Gladiator, Hawk, Yak and even a Catalina and DC3.
But seeing 8 spitfires go up into the air at the same time was a bit special, as was when well over 20 planes all hit the sky together in one tip top tastic fly past at the end of the show.
Blooming magic I tell ya, all of it.
It was also my first visit to Duxford's splendid Imperial War Museum which I would recommend to anyone to visit, and also my first time walking through a 'Concord' display plane, which just added to the whole event.
So here endeth my feed back from the Flying Legends Air Show (pics to follow) and I look forward to a better quality and expert feed back from the lads from this site who also went along. (remember boys I am still learning….hope I did ok).