Airbrush hoods or spray booth

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Senior Airman
May 1, 2016
We recently moved from MD to Northern VA, and am back to setting up my modeling work bench. In the last house I went very low tech for airbrush hoods. I set a large open carb board box on a work bench, and sprayed the pieces in the box as a low tech spray booth. This more or less contained the overspray and mist. My new work area for building is in the finished area of the basement, and looking at where to set up a spray booth. Anyone willing to share their set up?
I inherited a home made booth from a friend who moved house recently. Not at home to take pics at the moment but I can make the following observations:

Lights - you need lots of good lighting and it should placed to shine directly on the work and shaded from the eyes.

Ventilation - I have found the small exhaust fan to be insufficient for the job, or maybe it's the shape of the box. I've run the duct to my shop dust collector system and turn that fan on to do full extraction.

Hood shape - small enough to allow proper fume control but large enough to access the work. Avoid difficult to clean corners as the paint can dust and adhere to the hood surfaces to get blown onto your model later.

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