A4K, that's extremely kind of you to offer that mate, but good grief! I couldnt possibly accept, actual drawing takes a helluva lot longer to do -
I will gladly do you an image, no worries
But make sure you do a couple of Ferrari's and I'll forward them on like I said in t'other thread
Cheers Gnomey!
Ok, this is not what you asked for but its along the lines of I've got some serious time issues at the mo, so this is a two seperate paintings carefully blended together... will get around to the other soon!!
lol, thanks mate - hmmm,.. yeah, rather scraping the wingtips there Tis a touch too low methinks. I'll raise her up a bit whenever I have a bit of time (ho ho)- my work has gone mental at the moment... which is why my visits on here have been a bit sporadic of late. Hey ho, pays the bills!