Aircraft-Technological Firsts

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Infact one of the very last guidance system developed in Germany, relying on an infrared photocell, was used to develop the AIM-9 Sidewinder.

Saying that the tech was used to develop the AIM-9 is very charitable. Both used heat-seaking guidance and thats about it. The German system didn't work very well, and neither did the later US version until the mid/late-60s.
Aircraft sure looked funny at the time when designers thought they should looke like birds to fly right
I LOVE those old 'birds'. Like something daVinci would have drawn.

Now if only they had articulated landing gear, so you could set down on a tree branch...
Indeed. And yet more proof that Gallic elan is no match for Teutonic efficiency...


Then WW 1 should have ended with a German victory in September 1914.

Certainly nicer than Bleriot's enclosed cabin (passengers) attempt...

I find Bleriot's aircraft design to be fascinating. He was one of the most experimental-mind when it came to strange airplane construction and theories. Once it was established that the airfoil wing, with lateral and horizontal control surfaces, and an engine with sufficient power were required for aircraft flight, some designers really let their imaginations go wild. One such wild design was a cylindrical-winged aircraft on floats which Bleriot had designed. Powered versions failed to fly, but models did. One reason why the years leading up to WW 1 is referred to as the "Era of Pioneer Flight".
Yet more proof that a wry remark will always baffle the literally-minded...

C'est la vie...
One of my books claims the Bell P-39 Aircobra (1938 ) to be the first aircraft with a tricycle undercarriage.
The P-51 was the first aircraft with a laminar flow wing.

The Lockheed Model 14 (Super Electra-civilian Hudson-military) was the first aircraft equipped with Fowler flaps. This was an adaptation of a civil aircraft drafted into the military service. With bigger engines it morphed into the PV-1 Ventura which had great success with the U.S. Navy.

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