Airfield flak

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Tech Sergeant
Who can tell us a bit about anti-aircraft guns on airfields? What would we expect to see there?

I assume great differences from one aerodrome to the next, between small and big units and of course between countries. Wouldn't be surprised if the Luftwaffe had extra flak for its western airfields.


Check out the Abandoned Airfield of Europe website (Abandoned little known airfields in Europe). Its got lots of original maps/pictures that show AAA emplacements.
From what I have read, late war LW airfield flak was murderous, especially in Me 262 bases... IIRC one had up to 200 barrels of 2cm Flak defending it, so you had to stay well clear of the runways and near vicinity, and second strafing passes were a no-go. The first one, using the element of surprise and given the reaction time of the gun crews may have success, a second attemp was pretty much suicide.
Production statistics for Luftwaffe (i.e. not Heer) flak provide a pretty good idea what you can expect. Let's use 1943 since that's the war mid point.

Production Stats on German Tube-fired Weapons 1939-1945
31,502 x 2cm.
4,131 x 3.7cm.
4,416 x 8.8cm.
1,220 x 10.5cm.
298 x 12.8cm.
.....Individual weapons are counted. Flakvierling requires four 2cm weapons. There were also some 3.7cm twin mounts.
.....10.5cm and 12.8cm were used to protect industrial centers against high altitude bombers. I doubt you would find them protecting an airfield.
Unlikely, although not impossible, that anything above 37mm was used for local defence of Luftwaffe fields. Main installations were Flak 2cm in single and quad, and 3.7cm.
I agree. However large airfields in western Europe such as Venlo night fighter base would probably have at least 1 battery of 8.8cm flak.

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