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Nov 22, 2009
The Jungles of Canada
So I started this while waiting for the next GB. Up to the paint scheme, it should go pretty fast


Right off the get-go, I was stopped by the interior colour. After a few days of book and web I find out the the earliest version of the P-40 were painted in a colour between ZCY and ZCG. I have both but not a third so how to get there from here. Reading articles about Zinc Chromate one finds that to make ZCG one adds black to ZCY so I added the former to the latter, slowly building up to what I think is a mid-colour (photos shortly). Airfix gives two versions of the seat, round back, U.S., and square back, export, which I'll be using. Further research says that the U.S. version only used lap-belts but now I need to find what the RAF used......................
Good stuff Geo.
Most American aircraft in RAF service went through a MU where they were fitted with British equipment, which normally included such items as radios, some instruments, and seat harnesses. It's likely that those P-40's in RAF use were fitted with the standard Sutton harness.
As factory fresh as you can get with plenty of new Mk.IIB smell
So you are not going OOB and have some spare decals. I was thinking it will be one of the 2 in that box.
I have the same Airfix-model but in a different box (the Mk.II). IMHO It's a great model. :thumbright:
Agreed. This is all I had, "....The early P-40 cockpit is painted "tinted green," which is Yellow Zinc Chromate mixed with Black. It is NOT "Interior Green," but rather a more yellowish hue..."
Hi George,

Here's a piece I did a few years back:

Zinc chromate primer tinted with black was how Interior Green was created in late 1942/early 1943. The Yellow Green you're looking for also had aluminum paste or powder added, which lightened things up appreciably. I think your job on the cockpit parts is pretty demmed reasonable - there's no need to change it.

The famous Curtiss Cockpit Green, which debuted in 1942, was a mixture of zinc chromate primer and medium gray paint, an attempt to get close to Yellow Green without using aluminum.

BTW, there is a slim possibility that Curtiss used British Interior Grey Green, but I've no evidence either way.

Enjoy the kit!


(Lurking color nerd and rivet counter...)
Thank you Brian. Slowly moving forward. Detail painting done and awaiting decals. Everything is just placed. I had to widen the front slots on the left side to get a flush fit of the sidewalls. If the fit isn't precise, it may interfere the fuselage join



Airfix provides I.P. dials as decals as well as a few placards, 1-6


While waiting for the Future to dry I skipped ahead. Airfix wants one to insert the nose gun panels after the fuselage has been put together but it would be easier to get everything lined up if you have access to the inside of the fuselage as well. I'll do a bunch of test fitting before I commit to glue

Put on the I.P. and placard decals and started gluing the gun panel in. Airfix has the largish attachment points along the gluing surface of the gun panel so it took quite a while to remove them. Still haven't found a good photo of the seatbelt arrangement for the Mk.IIb. Everyone seems to be using U.S. belts for their builds. This is how Ultracast depict them...

Looking good IMHO. Also the Ultracast offers something like that ... with the Sutton Harness. But the round-top chair is for Kittyhawk rather.


the pic source: the net .

Also there is a link where a couple of shots of the Sutton Harnass for the RAAF P-40 can be seen .. may come in handy.

and the Ultracast for the early P-40 Tomahawk the early square back export seat without Harness suitable for early war RAF, RAAF, SAAF & Flying Tigers (A.V.G.) that looking like your one above.


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