Airfix Spitfire MK VB Model 12005A Information/reviews

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Tech Sergeant
Hi Guys,

I am interested in this kit but cannot find any reviews or builds of this specific kit. I did manage to find a listing saying it was released in 2013 but don't know if it is a brand new mold or a regurgatation of their 12005 kit?

I am thinking of building this one as the center piece of my collection.

Also, what is the fit form and detail like on the model? is it accurate? If its anything like their Mossy 1/24 kit I have to think its a real beauty but not sure.

Any help would be appreciated.

If this is the 1/24th scale kit, then it is a re-release of a re-release of the original, modified Mk1 kit, first released (in the Mk1 version) in 1970, with some additional parts to produce a MkV.
Quality, accuracy and fit will be nowhere near that of the Mosquito, but it's still a reasonable kit which, with a bit of extra effort, can be made into a nice model.
I built the original Mk1 kit all those years ago and, at the time, it was 'state of the art', and the first aircraft kit in this then huge scale.
A few years ago, I bought their 1/24th scale Bf109E, from the same era, at a very cheap price, but I wouldn't have bought it at full price (around £30 at that time - I got it for £7 - and it was £2.50 when first released !!), and ended up building it 'wheels up', as a belly-landed example, due to the poor moulding and fit of the gear legs and some other parts. That said, with some work, it still made a nice model, bearing in mind the age of the moulds, and the moulding technology of the period when it was first released, which shows in some of the detail parts.
I recently looked at my mate's Spitfire V kit, and I would class it, by today's standards, as 'reasonable', but perhaps a little over-priced, considering the design and production costs of the tooling will have been paid for many times over by now. One thing my mate commented on was the poor quality of the decals, with the code letters in particular being very poor, appearing as thin, very dark grey when applied, and nothing like the colour they should be, although this is a relatively minor point.
To sum up, I'd say that the kit is reasonable, can produce a nice MkV with a lot of extra work and, being a lot cheaper than the alternative, is worth considering - but don't expect quality, detail and fit of parts you'd expect from a kit designed and produced in 2014.

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