I've got a period map with the approach tracks laid out, and diagrams of the various attacking waves formations, if you'd like a copy. I've also got ALL of the film footage taken at the time by the FPU Mossies (on VHS tape), from take off to the raid itself, but this is Crown Copyright, so can only be viewed privately - had to sign my life away, or suffer the Tower of London!!
Each aircraft was also fitted with a rear-facing strike camera, but the camera circuits were wired to the drop tank release circuits, and the switches were not closed after dropping the tanks over the Danish coast, so all the films show is splendid, extremely low-level views of the Danish country side!
Basically, the attack came in from over the lakes (reservoirs) at below roof-top height, with the aircraft accelerating, and the bombs going into the side of the building at street and first floor level. There were some overshoots, and rebounds, with at least one bomb going through the roof of the Technical Institute building, which is the large, almost tri-angular building seen in the foreground of most still photos, and often mistaken for Shell House.